Do you know,Born Again Believers are the Apple of God's Eye?That we are His Chosen Ones in Christ ?Rom.2:28,29 A true Jew is One Inwardly & not outwardly,read it,1Peter2:9 we are the Chosen generation A Royal Priesthood. Gentiles are all lost sinners in this world without Christ Eph.2:11/John3:3 all nations Everyone in the World ;you MUST be born again(your spirit in Christ)or you will NOT see heaven./Jewish folk think (falsly)they are the apple of God's Eye, and are not,because they disobey God & reject the Ram(Lamb) He supplied for them(Jesus'Body)which God was in 2cor.5:19/the only way to everlasting life & to God's Kingdom John14:6They are without God seeing they reject Christ.
Obey God,receive Christ as Lord over your life(King) and be ye reconciled back unto the Father Rom.5:10 & 2Cor.5:18,20/do not be deceived by religion or judaism,come out of HER unto Christ & His salvation,be born again into Christ Eph.1:7, have everlasting life in Christ in New Jerusalem (above which is free)luke24:46-49
Salvation is in Christ acts4:12,Rom.1:16 /Rom.10:9,10/2Cor.6:2/1Thess.5:9,/2Tim.2:10,/2tim.3:15,/
***God told us, He will not ever leave us or forsake us. We leave Him & we forsake Him.
*****God sends nobody to hell, if anyone goes to hell, they send themselves to hell, #1 by unbelief #2 rejecting Christ our redeemer (John3:3 you MUST be born again, or you will not see heaven.............unrepentant sins Luke13:3 if you do not repent(turn away from your sins to Christ)you(your soul) will perish(in hell & the lake, Mark9:45,46 & Rev.20:10-14/ God provided a once & for all sacrifice for us, the body of Christ .....God was in that body 2Cor.5:19.........God provided a Ram for Abraham correct? Well, the new Test. God provided a Lamb for us, a perfect & pure Lamb, called the Son of God, Jesus Christ(Messiah) or Yeshuah
God made us One New Man in Christ Jesus, neither Jew nor gentile.(Gal.3:28)Neither male nor female.
I ask you, if you do not believe God, reject Christ as your Once & for all sacrifice,(1Cor.5:7)how are you ever forgiven of your sins?You know in the (Old testament) were they forgiven (but not set free) they sinned again & again.Never felt FREE.
Heb.9:16-18 the Word testament (Gr.diatheke') refers here to a will in accordance with the Greek usage of the New Test. era)even though the Greek word is commonly used in Hebrews & throughout the New Testament for a covenant.
a will requires the death of its maker before it can be in force(Christ's sinless life could not establish the New Testament., HIS DEATH,involving His shed Blood,was necessary.
Heb.9:22 on the basis of the preceding verses is the conclusion of 2 things #1 the law seems to require almost everything be purged with blood. #2 there is no remission,forgiveness,w/out the shedding of Blood.
Gen.17:9 every man be circumcised, so that circumcision was to serve as an outward sign of the inward dedication to God.(Law)legalism now; look at Matt.5:17 ,Jesus did not destroy the law of moses, the New testament is not contradictory to the old testament,but is the fulfillment of the spiritual intention of the law-the law degenerated into legalism with the pharisees;Jesus took the law Beyond the Outward Observance to the inner spiritual intention of God.
I am a very blunt spoken person,I am down to earth * & BOLD in my speech.Direct to the point, I do not beat around the bush, I am not one that says what you want to hear,I do not tickle ears , (a feel good message)leading many astray,NO...........Do not be offended by my words, in fact, they are life saving words.I serve God & His Word & His Kingdom through Christ Jesus by His Spirit amen.............Now lets get down to the nitty gritty. OK?
Lev.17:11 the Blood makes the atonement right? come on now....
Gal.3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.
Rom.3:20 the Purpose of the law was to bring conviction of sins -not for justification,its' only purpose was to reveal sin................clear? comprehend?
luke24:44 Jesus said,These are the Words which I spake unto you ,while I was yet with you,that all things must be fulfilled,which were written in the law of Moses,and in the prophets,and in the psalms ,concerning Me.v.46 thus it is written,and thus it behooved Christ to suffer,and to rise from the DEAD on the 3rd day:and that Repentance(turning away from sins to Christ)Luke13:3-and remission of sins (1John1:9,10)should be preached in His Name among all nations,beginning at Jerusalem.
Gal.3:1 Christ was clearly crucified
Gal.3:19 the law was added (alongside the covenant) because of SIN
v.24 the law is what brought us to Christ (our school master)to be justified by faith--Once FAITH comes , you are no longer under the school master;for you are children of God in Christ Jesus
Gal.4:4 Jesus was born of a woman under the law to*** redeem all*** who were under the law(in Bondage)legalism.......
v.10 you observe days,months,times,years,and I fear for you lest I taught you to labor in vain (outward is not real)
Christ has made us free do not be entangled with bondage,but freedom from the law(Spiritual freedom)
Gal.5:2 if you be circumcised,Christ shall not profit you nothing, you're a debtor of the whole law.
v.4 you attempt to be justified by the law , you have fallen from Grace, you renounce Grace thru Faith alone as the way of salvation, ; you depend on legalism to secure divine favor , you show that you never really knew God's Grace in the 1st place.
Gal.5:6 faith which works by love,faith is produced by love,the divine love of God produces human faith which results in justification
v.7 the Galatians were making progress,the Judiazers hindered them w. a false gospel, so now,readers do not obey the truth.
v.8 persuasion refers to the pressure the heretics used to persuade them to embrace legalism
v.9 a little leaven (false doctrine)leavens(corrupts)the whole lump(church)believers.
I will now get even bolder
1st Read about the JEW & the LAW Rom.2:17-29 (seriously)
let us now focus on vv 28,29 He is NOT a Jew,which is One outwardly;neither is that circumcision,which is outward in the flesh;but he is a Jew ,which is one inwardly;and circumcision is that of the heart,in the spirit & not in the letter;whose praise is not of men,but of God. Rom.3:4 let God be true ,but every man a liar;as it is written,that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings,and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
Rom.3:11 onward...There is none that understands, there is none that seek after God. They are all gone out of the way,they are together become unprofitable;there is none that does good,not one.
v.13 Their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues they have used deceit;the poison of asps is under their lips; Whose mouth is full of cursing & bitterness.
v.15 their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction & misery are in their ways; And the way of peace they have not known;there is no fear of God before their eyes;v.19 we know what the law says,it says to them who are under the law;that every mouth may be stopped,and all the world may become guilty before God(world is sinners & unbelievers w. out Christ)Gentiles if you will.therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in God's sight,for the law is the knowledge of sin. but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested,being witnessed by the law and the prophets;even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all them that believev.23 all have sinned & come short of the glory of God,being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus;Whom God set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His Blood,to declare His Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past,through the forbearance of Godv.26 who believe in Jesus Christ.
Rom.3:22 Faith of (or in)Jesus Christ,Jesus Christ is the ONLY valid object in which man must place his faith.By His grace; Unmerrited favor is bestowed through the redemption (release on payment of ransom)Christ's death s the ransom,The sinner is released on the basis of the ransom's havng been paid.
Rom.3:25,26 through faith;Christ's death satisfies the Father's righteous demands,it's benefits are appropriated ONLY through faith in His finished Work.
In His Blood: the emphasis is not on the blood as it coursed through Christ's veins,but as it was shed for our sins. This is how the propitiation was accomplished.
Just,and the justifier: God can remain just (true to His nature) and still declare sinners to be righteous only becausze Christ has paid for sin & satisfied(propitiated) Hi8s Holy Law. The sinner is not rendered guiltless but pardoned. Christ has taken the sin on Himself & has imputed His Righteousness to the sinner.
my words:The Old Test, failed.thus a new test came about.
if you do not believe God, refuse Christ, your once & for all sacrifice (1Cor.5:7)then you have no forgiveness of your sins, you DO NOT HAVE A SACRIFICE. God is Spirit John4:24 invisible col.1:15 became flesh(Jesus) 1Tim.3:16 & John1:1-14./ God Himself wrapped Himself up in flesh to become your Once & for all sacrifice. It is the greatest miracle ever (salvation of your soul in Christ by His shed Blood) see Eph.1:7 in Christ is our salvation & the forgiveness of our sins by His shed Blood see 2Cor.5:19 God was in Christ,reconciling the world(sinners) back unto Himself!!!! do you see?
scriptures for concern & study:Ex.3:13-15 & Deut.32:39 God said " I AM HE"
John8:24 Jesus said, if you do not believe that
"I AM HE" you will die in your sins.
this is My Blood of the New Testament Matt.26:28
Jesus made a surety of a better testament Heb.7:22
Jesus the mediator of the New Testament Heb.9:15
!!!!That were under the 1st testament !!!!!9:15
a testament is of force after death v.17
neither 1st testament was dedicated without blood v.18
Rev.11:19 the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His Temple the ARK of His testament.(The Book of Revelation is the fulfillment of the entire Word of God from Gen thru Rev's end,Christ the fulfillment. )the book is past,present & future, it is symbolic,prophetical & apocalyptic
I will insert here some spiritual comprehension of the Word of God 1Cor.3:16 we(born again believers in Christ )are the temple of God & He dwells in us.
Just as the law became spiritual (Matt.5:17)so the temple became spiritual 1cor.3:16 just as physical Jerusalem is in bondage New Jerusalem from above is FREE,(*Rev.3:12) (Rom.2 :28,29) the true Jew is one inwardly & not outwardly(who are born again , abide in Christ, have crucified their flesh(circumcised their hearts) by dying to all lusts & desires of the flesh Col.3:3 &Rom.6:11 Rom.6:22 having been set free from sin you have become slaves to God,you have your fruit to holiness,the end everlasting life.
just as priests were only from the line of Aaron old test. now are in Christ the Royal Priesthood(spiritual) our inheritance (birth right)1Peter2:9 Every born again Bible Belieivng Christian in Christ,like our old Testament counterparts;,we the believer priests,have the priveledge of direct access to God in Christ Jesus by His Spirit!! with priveledge comes a 2 fold responsibility #1 sacrifice,the sacrfice of believers are His Body Rom.12:1,2present your bodies a living sacrfice acceptable unto God. which is your responsible service #2 Our Praises to God Heb.13:15 by Him, let us offer sacrifice of praise to God continually,which is the fruit of our lips.
Even God took on human form 1Tim.3:16 & John1:1-14 and became our once & for all sacrifice 1cor.5:7
let me give to you an elementary teaching: God is Spirit whom no man can ever see, He is invisible John4:24 & col.1:15....He formed a body in a virgin womb, which He would dwell in, called the body Jesus Christ (Messiah) the Son of God.It is NOT 2 gods or 3 gods it is ONE GOD .
1John5:7 There are 3 that bear witness in heaven,m the Father, The Word(Rev.19:13 Jesus' Name is the Word)the Holy Spirit of God and these 3 are ONE.
God is Father , Son & Holy Spirit = 1 Spirit = 1 God.
if you should become born again & enter heaven, how many gods will you see? 3? 2? or 1? I tell you, you will see Jesus the Lord your God.
#1 I have been corrected by God back when I was younger, not a good mother at all, He appeared as Bright Blinding ,strobing light. I was covering my eyes begging Him to stop. The bright ,blinding ,strobing light came from everywhere, not one spot in particular.Everywhere. His Voice was as 10 roaring thunders.(Father God almighty)who I called God.
#2 Jesus always has come to me since a child, walked w. me at night through fields of purple flowers as far as the eye could see: He looked like we do!!Only Great & precious ,awesome,beautiful; no words can fully describe how wonderful.His skin seemed to be the color of everyone, kind of like a golden hue. hair med brown red highlights,eyes dark brown.I called Him God.
#3HolySpirit rocked me in His arms one night, all night long. He was a HUGE grey like mass of energy (seemed)in the form of a man, I can still see the smile on His face as He rocked me, kind of like the smile of a proud Daddy holding His baby the 1st time!!! yeah I called Him God.
God is ( spirit)John4:24 He made us in His image,(Spirit Gen.1:26)God has a (soul) Lev.26:30 (mind will & emotions) so do we have a(soul)in His image
God has a(body 1Tim.3:16 & John1:1-14 & col.1:15-) (Jesus) so do we in His image have a (body)
God did the most wonderful thing in the world for you & for me,by giving us His Son, By God Himself coming to earth willingly to lay down His life for us, shed His Blood for us, so in Christ & by His shed Blood (Eph.1:7) John3:3 ( John14:6)can we be born again, be forgiven of our sins as we confess them to God 1John1:9,10and have everlasting life.
1John4:3 whoever denies Christ came in the flesh(Messiah) do not belong to God, they are the Spirit of anti Christ.
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